Hartbeeps Mother's Day Special!
From 23 Mar 25 9:30 AM to 23 Mar 25 12:30 PM
To celebrate Mother’s Day, Hartbeeps are hosting a weekend session!
Let’s switch it up!!! There are so many incredible mummies out there to celebrate but there are also delightful daddies and glorious grandparents too. So to celebrate the big people in our lives we are hoping little ones will come to Hartbeeps with someone they aren’t usually able to attend with. Giving whoever usually comes a well deserved rest.
(Pssst that way we can make that special person a little present too.. )
9.30 Happy House (Toddlers & Siblings)
10.30 Beeps (Sitting - standing babies)
11.30 Baby Bells (Newborn - sitting babies)
£15 per child with a 50% discount for a sibling.
Please book the class most suitable for the eldest child.
* As this is a special class and not part of our regular timetable we are not offering discounted trials here